
Genesis 1:26-27


 When you look into the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a broken person? A person who has hurt others? Do you see yourself and think that you are unworthy? Do you see a sinner? I know what I have seen in the past, and I know what my mind tries to tell me now. That I am worthless, that I will never be anything. That I can't love because I don't know love. And that God doesn't love me because I messed up so many times. But then the Holy Spirit steps in and let's me know that those thoughts are lies and that because of Christ, I will always be somebody.

 That's why the Bible tells us to bring ALL thoughts under subjection. Negative thinking poisons our minds and then it trickles down to our hearts. We become bitter, angry and depressed. When we learn to love ourselves the way God does, we begin to unlock that true happiness, that true joy. When we do that, nothing anyone says to us will take away that joy. In today's society, we are taught to hate ourselves because of mainstream media, which causes us to hate the image of God. We can't love God with any form of hate, including self hate. The Bible asks us " How can we love God, whom we have not seen, yet hate our brother whom we have seen?" But I want to ask you, how can you say you love God, and yet hate yourself. God is love. God embodies love. Therefore love and hate cannot dwell in the same vessel. As Christians, we must learn to be happy in all things. This may seem easier said than done, but with practice it becomes easier.

 Genesis tells us that when God created man and woman, He created us in His image. Not the image of angels, not the image of the devil, not the image of animals, but His image. So you know what that tells me, that if God is Holy, that if God is righteous, then we must be too. God has a purpose for everything that He does. Why would He create us in His image of we were worthless? That would defeat His purpose. Yes, we may fall, but He will pick us back up if we REPENT and turn from those things that make us fall. Learn from your mistakes and move on, don't let them hinder you. The first step to moving forward is to forgive yourself and others, because if you harbor unforgiveness for yourself and others, then God won't forgive you. Forgive and let it go.

 At times we are our own worst enemy. We know everything about ourselves, those secrets that we would never tell anyone else for fear that they wouldn't look at us the same. And we wonder how anyone can love us in our mess or out of it. We become depressed because we suppress those horrible things about ourselves instead of releasing them to God. He already knows, He just wants us to confess our sins to Him. He has enough love to love us in, through and out of our mess. God allowed us to live so that we could get it right. Although we were created in His image, we are still in the flesh, and Galatians tells us that the flesh lusts after the Spirit and the Spirit lusts after the flesh. The flesh in all its sinfulness must die daily. This is a daily walk, not a weekly, monthly, or a wait until revival yearly walk. We must seek God daily in order to reveal His glory, and in order to radiate His presence. That's the key to staying saved. If the flesh had its way, we would be our old selves, doing the things that would send us straight to hell. But Christ gave us a way out when He died for us. Don't allow negativity and the lusts of this world keep you down. Fight back with the the Word of God. The Word gives us the strength we need to withstand all things that come against us. So the next time you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself that you are a child of the Most High God, created in His image, and that you are far more valuable than anything this world can offer. Always remember "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Our Redeemer is alive and He's waiting to love in you.